Thursday, June 20, 2024

M&M Blue Large

This pattern continues the set of M&M characters. This is the pattern for M&M Blue. Blue to the Peanut Butter M&M. This series started with making M&M Red for a co-worker. Of course, when my daughter, Amy, saw the M&M Red I was making for him, I had no choice but to make the rest of the seven characters. Those patterns are coming soon.

Worsted weight yarn: Blue, buff, white, and black
D crochet hooks
Polyester fiberfill
Tapestry needle


Rw 1: With cyan, ch 12, sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across. (11)
Rw 2: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 9 sc, 2 sc in next sc. (13)
Rw 3: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 11 sc, 2 sc in next sc. (15)
Rw 4: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 13 sc, 2 sc in next sc. (17)
Rw 5: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 15 sc, 2 sc in next sc. (19)
Rw 6: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 17 sc, 2 sc in next sc. (21)
Rws 7-10: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (21)
Rw 11: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 5 sc, change to white, sc in next 2 sc, change to BC, sc in next 2 sc, change to white, sc in next 3 sc, change to BC, sc in next sc, change to white, sc in next 3 sc, change to BC, sc in next 5 sc. (21)
Rws 12-15: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 6 sc, change to white, sc in next sc, change to BC, sc in next 3 sc, change to white, sc in next sc, change to BC, sc in next 3 sc, change to white, sc in next sc, change to BC, sc in next 6 sc. (21)
Rw 16 Ch 1, turn; sc in next 6 sc, change to white, sc in next 2 sc, change to BC, sc in next 2 sc, change to white, sc in next 2 sc, change to BC, sc in next 2 sc, change to white, sc in next sc, change to BC, sc in next 6 sc. (21)
Rw 17: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 7 sc, change to white, sc in next 2 sc, change to BC, sc in next 2 sc, change to white, sc in next 2 sc, change to BC, sc in next sc, change to white, sc in next 2 sc, change to BC, sc in next 5 sc. (21)
Rws 18-22: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (21)
Rw 23: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 17 sc, sc2tog. (19)
Rw 24: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 15 sc, sc2tog. (17)
Rw 25: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 13 sc, sc2tog. (15)
Rw 26: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 11 sc, sc2tog. (13)
Rw 27: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 9 sc, sc2tog. (11)
Rd 28: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 11 sc, working in the side of Rws, sc in next 8 Rws, 2 sc in next Rw, sc in next 12 Rws, 2 sc in next Rw, sc in next 5 Rws, working in the free loops of foundation ch, sc in next 11 ch, working in the side of Rws, sc in next 5 Rws, 2 sc in next Rw, sc in next 12 Rws, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 8 Rws, slip st in first sc. (80)
Finish off. Weave in ends.


Rw 1: With cyan, ch 12, sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across. (11)
Rw 2: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 9 sc, 2 sc in next sc. (13)
Rw 3: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in next sc, change to white, sc in next 2 sc, change to cyan, sc in next 2 sc, change to white, sc in next 3 sc, change to cyan, sc in next sc, change to white, sc in next 3 sc, change to cyan, 2 sc in next sc. (15)
Rw 4: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc, change to white, sc in next sc, change to cyan, sc in next 3 sc, change to white, sc in next sc, change to cyan, sc in next 3 sc, change to white, sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc. (17)
Rw 5: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 3 sc, change to white, sc in next sc, change to cyan, sc in next 2 sc, change to white, sc in next 2 sc, change to cyan, sc in next 2 sc, change to white, sc in next 2 sc, change to cyan, sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc. (19)
Rw 6: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 3 sc, change to white, sc in next 2 sc, change to cyan, sc in next sc, change to white, sc in next 2 sc, change to cyan, sc in next 2 sc, change to white, sc in next 2 sc, change to cyan, sc in next 5 sc, 2 sc in next sc. (21)
Rws 7-12: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (21)
Rw 13: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 7 sc, change to black, sc in next 7 sc, change to cyan, sc in next 7 sc. (21)
Rw 14: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 6 sc, change to black, sc in next sc, change to cyan, sc in next 7 sc, change to black, sc in next 2 sc, change to cyan, sc in next 5 sc. (21)
Rw 15: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 15 sc, change to black, sc in next sc, change to cyan, sc in next 5 sc. (21)
Rws 16-17: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (21)
Rw 18: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 8 sc, change to white, sc in next sc, change to cyan, sc in next 3 sc, change to white, sc in next sc, change to cyan, sc in next 8 sc. (21)
Rw 19: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 7 sc, change to white, sc in next sc, change to black, sc in next sc, change to white, sc in next sc, change to cyan, sc in next sc, change to white, sc in next sc, change to black, sc in next sc, change to white, sc in next sc, change to cyan, sc in next 7 sc. (21)
Rws 20-21: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 6 sc, change to black, sc in next sc, change to cyan, sc in next 3 sc, change to black, sc in next sc, change to cyan, sc in next 3 sc, change to black, sc in next sc, change to cyan, sc in next 6 sc. (21)
Rw 22: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 7 sc, change to black, sc in next 3 sc, change to cyan, sc in next sc, change to black, sc in next 3 sc, change to cyan, sc in next 7 sc. (21)
Rw 23: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 15 sc, sc2tog. (19)
Rw 24: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 4 sc, change to black, sc in next 3 sc, change to cyan, sc in next sc, change to black, sc in next 3 sc, change to cyan, sc in next 4 sc, sc2tog. (15)
Rw 26: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 11 sc, sc2tog. (13)
Rw 27: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 9 sc, sc2tog. (11)
Rd 28: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 11 sc, working in the side of Rws, sc in next 6 Rws, 2 sc in next Rw, sc in next 15 Rws, 2 sc in next Rw, sc in next 5 Rws, working in the free loops of foundation ch, sc in next 11 ch, working in the side of Rws, sc in next 5 Rws, 2 sc in next Rw, sc in next 15 Rws, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 8 Rws, slip st in first sc. (80)
Rd 29: Holding FRONT OF BLUE and BACK OF BLUE together and working through both thicknesses and stuffing firmly before closing, ch 1, sc in each sc around, slip st in first sc. (80)
Finish off. Weave in ends.


Rd 1: With white, ch 2, 4 sc in second ch from hook working around ch. (4)
Rd 2: sc in each sc around. (4)
Finish off. Weave in ends.
Rd 1: With white, ch 2, 4 sc in second ch from hook working around ch. (4)
Rds 2-3: sc in each sc around. (4)
Finish off in the first 2 FINGERS for each HAND. DO NOT FINISH OFF in the third FINGER for each HAND.
Rd 1: sc in next 2 sc on third FINGER, sc in next 2 sc on first FINGER, sc in next 4 sc on second FINGER, sc in next 2 sc on first FINGER, sc in next 2 sc on third FINGER. (12)
Rd 2: sc in next 6 sc, sc in next 4 sc on THUMB, sc in next 6 sc. (16)
Rd 3: sc in each sc around. (16)
Rd 4: (sc in next 6 sc, sct2og) around. (14)
Rd 5: (sc in next 5 sc, sc2tog) around. (12)
Rd 6: (sc in next sc, sc2tog) around. (8)
Rd 7: Working in front loops only, (sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) around. (12)
Finish off. Weave in ends.
Rd 8: Working in free loops of Rd 6, attach buff, ch 1, (sc in next 2 sc, sc2tog) around. (6)
Rds 9-18: sc in each sc around. (6)
Finish off leaving a long tail. Sew ARMS to M&Ms. Weave in ends.

Rd 1: With white, ch 7, sc in second ch from hook, sc in next 4 ch, 3 sc in next ch working around ch, working in free loops of foundation ch, sc in next 4 ch, 2 sc in next ch. (14)
Rd 2: 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in next 3 sc, sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc. (20)
Rd 3: Working in back loops only, sc in each sc around. (20)
Rd 4: sc in each sc around. (20)
Rd 5: sc in next 6 sc, (sc2tog) 4 times, sc in next 6 sc. (16)
Rd 6: sc in next 2 sc, (sc2tog) 6 times, sc in next 2 sc. (10)
Rds 7-9: sc in each sc around. (10) Change to buff.
Rd 10: Working in back loops only, (sc2tog, sc in next sc, sc2tog) around. (6)
Rds 11-17: sc in each sc around. (6)
Finish off leaving a long tail. Sew LEGS to M&M. Weave in ends.

M&Ms and Blue are copyright M&M/Mars and their respective creators.

This crochet pattern is an original pattern and is © by Christjan Bee (June 2024). Please do not claim this pattern as your own. If you wish to share this pattern, you may link to this pattern but please do not reprint/repost it on your site. You may print and keep a copy for your own personal use, but you may not sell or distribute it, or sell items made from this pattern.

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