Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Catarra is another original character from the brilliant mind of Tez Noland. Catarra is the rider for Sand Skulkor Dragon. She is an Egyptian queen feline from the same region that Sand Skulkor lives. Her name comes from cat+terra, which means Earth elemental feline. She belongs to an Egyptian family that are all female. She is a master Earth elemental, necromancy and mind control powers.

Worsted Weight Yarn: Taupe, off white, gold, black, white, light blue, and buff.
B crochet hook
Polyester Fiberfil
Tapestry needle
Wooden skewer
1 green jewel
Floral wire (optional)

Rd 1: With taupe, ch 2, 4 sc in second ch from hook working around ch. (4)
Rd 3: sc in each sc around. (4)
Finish off in the first 3 FINGERS for each ARM. DO NOT FINISH OFF in the fourth FINGER for each ARM. Stuff FINGERS firmly.

Rd 1: slip st in next sc changing to off white, ch 1, sc in same sc as slip st, sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc on first FINGER, sc in next 4 sc on second FINGER, sc in next 2 sc on first FINGER, sc in next 2 sc on third FINGER. (12)
Rd 2: sc in next 6 sc, sc in next 4 sc on FINGER, sc in next 6 sc on ARMS. (16)
Rd 3: sc in next 6 sc, (sc2tog) twice, sc in next 6 sc. (14)
Rd 4: sc in next 5 sc, (sc2tog) twice, sc in next 5 sc. (12)
Rds 5-10: sc in each sc around. (12)
Rd 11: (sc in next 4 sc, sc2tog) around. (10) Change to off white.
Rds 12-15: sc in each sc around. (10)
Rd 11: (sc in next 4 sc, sc2tog) around. (10)
Rds 12-15: sc in each sc around. (10)
Finish off. Using black, embroider the nails on fingers. Weave in ends.

Rd 1: With taupe, 8 sc in magic ring. (7)
Rd 2: 2 sc in each sc around, slip st in first sc. (14)
Rd 3: sc in each sc around. (14)
Rd 4: sc in next 5 sc, (sc2tog) twice, sc in next 5 sc on LEGS. (12)
Rds 5-9: sc in each sc around. (12)
Rd 10: 2 sc in next 2 sc, sc in next 4 sc, sc2tog, sc in next 4 sc. (13)
Rd 11: sc in next sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc, sc in next 10 sc. (15)
Rds 12-14: sc in each sc around. (15)
Rds 5-6: sc in each sc around. (12) Change to off white.
Rds 7-9: sc in each sc around. (12)
Rd 10: 2 sc in next 2 sc, sc in next 4 sc, sc2tog, sc in next 4 sc. (13)
Rd 11: sc in next sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc, sc in next 10 sc. (15)
Rds 12-14: sc in each sc around. (15)
Finish off. Stuff LEGS firmly. Weave in ends.

Rd 1: With taupe, ch 2, 4 sc in second ch from hook working around ch, slip st in first sc. (6)
Rd 2: Ch 1, sc in next sc, sc in next 15 sc on RIGHT LEGS starting with sc #3, sc in next 2 sc on BODY, sc in next 15 sc on LEFT LEGS starting with sc #9, sc in next sc on BODY, slip st in first sc. (34)
Rd 3: Ch 1, turn; (sc in next 6 sc, sc2tog) twice, 2 sc in next 2 sc, (sc2tog, sc in next 6 sc) twice, slip st in first sc. (32)
Rd 4: Ch 1, turn; (sc in next 5 sc, sc2tog) twice, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc, (sc2tog, sc in next 5 sc) twice, slip st in first sc. (30)
Rd 5: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 6 sc, sc2tog, sc in next 16 sc, sc2tog, sc in next 7 sc, slip st in first sc. (28)
Rd 6: Ch 1, turn; (sc in next 2 sc, sc2tog) twice, sc in next sc, sc2tog, sc in next 6 sc, sc2tog, sc in next sc, (sc2tog, sc in next 2 sc) twice, slip st in first sc. (22)
Rd 7: Ch 1, turn; (sc in next 2 sc, sc2tog) twice, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc, (sc2tog, sc in next 2 sc) twice, slip st in first sc. (20)
Rds 8-10: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc around, slip st in first sc. (20)
Rd 11: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc, slip st in first sc. (26)
Rd 12: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 6 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc, slip st in first sc. (32)
Rd 13: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 11 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 8 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 11 sc, slip st in first sc, slip st in first sc. (34)
Rd 14: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc around, slip st in first sc. (34)
Rd 15: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 5 sc, holding next sc on BODY and sc #7 on LEFT ARM together and working through both thicknesses, sc in next 2 sc, sc in next 4 sc on BODY, sc2tog, sc in next 8 sc, sc2tog, sc in next 4 sc, holding next sc on BODY and sc #2 on RIGHT ARM together and working through both thicknesses, sc in next 2 sc, sc in next 5 sc on BODY, slip st in first sc.
Rd 16: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 5 sc, sc in next 8 sc on ARM, sc in next 4 sc on BODY, sc2tog, sc in next 6 sc, sc2tog, sc in next 4 sc, sc in next 8 sc on ARM, sc in next 5 sc on BODY, slip st in first sc. (42)
Rd 17: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 5 sc, (sc2tog) 4 times, sc in next 4 sc, sc2tog, sc in next sc, sc2tog in center sc of (sc in next 4 sc) of Rd 10 pulling tight to bunch together the rounds to create breasts for the doll, sc in next sc, sc2tog, sc in next 4 sc, (sc2tog) 4 times, sc in next 5 sc, slip st in first sc. (31)
Rd 18: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 5 sc, (sc2tog) 4 times, sc in next 5 sc, (sc2tog) 4 times, sc in next 5 sc, slip st in first sc. (23)
Rd 19: Ch 1, turn; (sc in next 3 sc, sc2tog) 4 times, sc in next 3 sc, slip st in first sc. (19)
Rd 20: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 3 sc, (sc2tog, sc in next 2 sc) 4 times. (15)
Rd 21: (sc in next sc, sc2tog) around. (10)
Rd 22: (sc in next 3 sc, sc2tog) around. (8)
Rd 23: sc in each sc around. (8)
Rd 24: (sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) around. (12)
Finish off leaving a long tail.

Rw 1: With gold, ch 16, sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across. (15)
Finish off leaving a long tail. Wrap RIGHT FOOT BAND around RIGHT FOOT and sew together. Using light blue, embroider the jewel on RIGHT FOOT BAND. Weave in ends.

Rw 1: With off white, ch 4, sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across. (3)
Rw 2: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (3) Change to gold.
Rws 3-8: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to taupe, sc in next sc, change to café latte, sc in next sc. (3) Change to taupe after Rw 6.
Rws 9-12: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (3) Change to café latte after Rw 10.
Rws 13-18: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to taupe, sc in next sc, change to café latte, sc in next sc. (3) Change to taupe after Rw 14.
Rws 18-20: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (3)
Finish off leaving a long tail. Wrap RIGHT THIGH BAND around right thigh and sew together. Using light blue, embroider the jewel on RIGHT THIGH BAND. Weave in ends.

Rw 1: With gold, ch 3, sc in second ch from hook and in next ch. (2)
Rws 2-16: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (2)
Rw 17: Ch 1, working in the side of Rws, sc in next 16 Rws, working in free loops of foundation ch, 2 sc in next 2 ch, working in the side of Rws, sc in next 16 Rws, working in sc of Rw 16, 2 sc in next 2 sc, slip st in first sc.
Finish off leaving a long tail. Wrap the RIGHT WRIST BAND around RIGHT ARM and sew together. Weave in ends.

Rw 1: With gold, ch 19, sc in second ch from hook, and in each ch across. (18)
Rw 2: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (18)
Finish off leaving a long tail. Wrap the LEFT WRIST BAND around LEFT ARM and sew together. Weave in ends.

Rw 1: With gold, ch 15, sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across. (14)
Finish off leaving a long tail. Wrap the LEFT BICEP BAND around LEFT ARM and sew together. Weave in ends.

Rd 1: With taupe, 6 sc in magic ring. (6)
Rd 2: 2 sc in each sc around. (12)
Rds 3-6: sc in each sc around. (12)
Rd 7: (sc in next sc, sc2tog) around. (8)
Rds 8-10: sc in each sc around. (8) Change to café latte after Rd 10.
Rds 11-13: sc in each sc around. (8) Change to taupe after Rd 13.
Rds 14-16: sc in each sc around. (8) Change to café latte after Rd 16.
Rds 17-19: sc in each sc around. (8) Change to taupe after Rd 19.
Rds 20-22: sc in each sc around. (8) Change to café latte after Rd 22.
Rds 23-25: sc in each sc around. (8) Change to taupe after Rd 25.
Rds 26-35: sc in each sc around. (8)
Finish off leaving a long tail. Stuff TAIL firmly. OPTIONAL: insert floral wire. Sew TAIL to BODY. Weave in ends.

Rw 1: With gold, ch 3, sc in second ch from hook and in next ch. (2)
Rws 2-10: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (2)
Rw 11: Ch 1, working in the side of Rws, sc in next 10 Rws, working in free loops of foundation ch, 2 sc in next 2 ch, working in the side of Rws, sc in next 10 Rws, working in sc of Rw 10, 2 sc in next 2 sc, slip st in first sc.
Finish off leaving a long tail. Wrap the TAIL BAND around TAIL and sew together. Weave in ends.

Rw 1: With buff, ch 31, sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across. (30)
Finish off leaving a long tail.

Rw 2: Working in free loops of foundation ch of BELT, skip next 12 ch, attach buff in next ch, ch 1, sc in same ch as attachment, sc in next 5 ch. (6)
Rws 3-6: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (6)
Rw 7: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc. (8)
Rw 8: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (8)
Rws 9-12: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (8)
Rw 13: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 3 sc, 2 hdc in next 2 sc, sc in next 3 sc. (10)
Finish off. Wrap BELT around the waist of BODY and sew together. Weave in ends.

Rd 1: With gold, ch 2, 4 sc in second ch from hook working around ch, slip st in first sc. (4)
Finish off leaving a long tail. Sew BELT BUCKLE to BELT. Weave in ends.

Rw 1: With off white, ch 29, sc in second ch from hook, sc in next 9 ch, 2 sc in next ch, sc in next 6 ch, 2 sc in next ch, sc in next 10 ch. (30)
Rw 2: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 10 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 8 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 10 sc. (32)
Finish off leaving a long tail.
Rw 3: Skip next 8 sc, attach off white in next sc, ch 1, sc in same sc as attachment, sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 10 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc. (18)
Rw 4: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (18)
Rw 5: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 2 sc, sc2tog, sc in next 10 sc, sc2tog, sc in next 2 sc. (16)
Rw 6: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 2 sc, sc2tog, sc in next 8 sc, sc2tog, sc in next 2 sc. (14)
Rw 7: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 2 sc, sc2tog, sc in next 6 sc, sc2tog, sc in next 2 sc. (12)
Rw 8: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 2 sc, sc2tog, sc in next 4 sc, sc2tog, sc in next 2 sc. (10)
Rw 9: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 6 sc, sc2tog. (8)
Finish off. Weave in ends.
Rw 10: With gold, ch 7, working in sc of Rw 9, sc2tog, sc in next 4 sc, sc2tog, ch 7. (6) Change to black.
Rw 11: Ch 1, turn; sc in second ch from hook, sc in next ch, change to white, sc in next 2 ch, change to black, sc in next 2 ch, change to white, sc in next ch, working in back loops only, sc in next sc, change to black, sc in next 2 sc, change to white, sc in next 2 sc, change to black, sc in next sc, sc in next ch, change to white, sc in next 2 ch, change to black, sc in next 2 ch, change to white, sc in next 2 ch. (20)
Rw 12: Ch 1, turn; (sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc, change to black, sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc, change to white) 4 times, sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc, change to black, sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc. (30) Change to gold.
Rw 13: Ch 1, turn; (sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc) across. (36)
Finish off leaving a long tail. Place BODICE and sew back seams closed. Weave in ends.

Rd 1: With gold, ch 6, slip st in first sc to form ring, ch 1, 2 sc in each ch around, slip st in first sc.
Rw 2: Ch 4, sc in second ch from hook, sc in next ch, working in over and in sc of Rd 1, sc in next 2 sc, ch 3, sc in second ch from hook, sc in next ch, slip st in same sc as last sc before ch-3, slip st to top of sc.
Rw 3: Ch 4, sc in second ch from hook, sc in next 2 ch, slip st in next sc of Rw 2.
Finish off. Sew EGYPTIAN CROSS to BODICE. Weave in ends.

Rd 1: With taupe, 6 sc in magic ring, slip st in first sc. (6)
Rd 2: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in each sc around, slip st in first sc. (12)
Rd 3: Ch 1, turn; (sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) around, slip st in first sc. (18)
Rd 4: Ch 1, turn; (sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc) around, slip st in first sc. (24)
Rd 5: Ch 1, turn; (sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc) around, slip st in first sc. (30)
Rds 6-10: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc around, slip st in first sc. (30)
Rd 11: Ch 1, (sc in next 3 sc, sc2tog) around. (24)
Rd 12: (sc in next 2 sc, sc2tog) around. (18)
Rd 13: (sc in next sc, sc2tog) around. (12)
Rd 14: sc2tog around. (6)
Finish off leaving a long tail. Weave tail through sc of Rd 14, pull tightly and secure. Sew HEAD to BODY. Weave in ends.

Rd 1: With black, 8 sc in magic ring. (8)
Rd 2: 2 sc in each sc around. (16)
Rd 3: (sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) around. (24)
Rd 4: (sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc) around, slip st in first sc. (32)
Rd 5: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 20 sc, sc2tog, slip st in next sc. (22)
Rds 6-9: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (22)
Rd 10: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to gold, sc in next 20 sc, change to black, sc in next sc. (22)
Rd 11: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (22)
Rd 12: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to gold, sc in next 20 sc, change to black, sc in next sc. (22)
Rds 13-14: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (22)
Finish off leaving a long tail.

Rw 1: Working in unworked sc of Rd 9, attach black, ch 1, sc2tog, sc in next 2 sc, sc2tog. (4)
Rw 2: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc2tog. (2)
Rw 3: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog. (1)
Finish off. Sew HAIR to HEAD. Weave in ends.

Using light blue and gold, embroider the FOREHEAD JEWEL on HAIR.

Using black, golden yellow, and white, embroider the EYES on HEAD. Using gold, embroider the UNDEREYE MARKINGS on HEAD. Using black and white, embroider the MOUTH and TEETH on MUZZLE. Using black, embroider the NOSE on HEAD.

Rw 1: With gold, ch 3, sc in second ch from hook and in next ch. (2)
Rw 2: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (2) Change to white.
Rw 3: Ch 1, turn; (sc, change to gold, sc) in next sc, (sc, change to white, sc) in next sc. (4) Change to black.
Rw 4: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in next sc, change to gold, sc in next 2 sc, change to black, 2 sc in next sc. (6) Change to white.
Rw 5: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, change to gold, sc in next 2 sc, change to white, sc2tog. (4) Change to gold.
Rw 6: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc2tog. (2)
Rw 7: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (2)
Rw 8: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog. (1)
Finish off. Weave in ends. Sew COBRA to HEAD. Weave in ends.


Rw 1: With café latte, ch 2, sc in second ch from hook. (1)
Rw 2: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in next sc. (2)
Rw 3: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (2)
Rw 4: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, slip st in next sc.
Finish off. Weave in ends.
Rw 1: With taupe, ch 2, sc in second ch from hook. (1)
Rw 2: Ch 1, turn; 2 sc in next sc. (2)
Rw 3: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (2)
Rw 4: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, slip st in next sc.
Rw 5: Holding INNER EAR and OUTER EAR together and working through both thicknesses, ch 1, working up the side of EARS, sc in next 3 Rws, 2 sc in free loop of foundation ch, working down the side of EARS, sc in next 3 Rws.
Finish off leaving a long tail. Sew EARS to HEAD. Weave in ends.

With gold, ch 3. Attach EARRINGS to RIGHT EAR.

Rd 1: With gold, ch 2, 4 sc in second ch from hook working around ch. (4)
Rd 2: (sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) around. (6)
Rd 3: (sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc) around. (8)
Rd 4: sc in each sc around. (8)
Rd 5: (sc in next 2 sc, sc2tog) around. (6)
Rd 6: (sc in next sc, sc2tog) around. (4)
Rds 7-39: sc in each sc around. (4)
Rd 40: 2 sc in each sc around. (8)
Finish off leaving a long tail. Insert wooden skewer. Weave in ends. Glue Jewel to top of STAFF.

With gold, ch 10. Finish off leaving a long tail. Sew HANDLE to STAFF. Weave in ends.

This pattern is an original pattern and is © by Christjan Bee (June 2024). Please do not claim this pattern as your own. If you wish to share this pattern, you may link to this pattern but please do not reprint it on your site. You may keep a copy for your own personal use, but you may not sell or distribute it, or sell items made from this pattern.

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