Saturday, May 25, 2024


My friend that lives in Georgia requested that I make a second version of Azuko the Wolf Mage making a few changes. The changes that he requested was the color around the belly go from orange or taupe, the color around his eyes, under the eyes and paw pads be changed from orange to golden yellow. I also asked me to add a necklace and the “Freedom” symbol added.

I also suggested that change a few other things and give this version its own persona. Fortunately, he agreed with me. This is now Azuko’s twin brother, Ozuka. He is also a mage. The difference between him and Azuko is how they use their magic and what they can transform into. Azuko through his staff can transform into a dragon. Ozuka transforms into a falcon through the use of the necklace around his neck. Ozuka also has the “Freedom” symbol tattooed on his back. Ozuka also wears the arm ban and leg wrap on the opposite limb.

Hopefully, my friend will come up with a drawing of the falcon that Ozuka transforms into.

This is a cape and magic book for Azoku the Wolf Mage.

Worsted Weight Yarn: green, leaf green, and frosty green
Crochet cotton: Café latte, buff, green, frosty green, gold metallic, and silver metallic.
B and Size 8 crochet hook
Tapestry and embroidery needles
Small snap
Hook and eye set
Sewing thread

Rd 1: With green, ch 33, sc in second ch from hook, sc in next 2 ch, 2 sc in next ch, (sc in next 3 ch, 2 sc in next ch) 7 times. (40)
Rd 2: Ch 1, turn; (sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc) around. (48)
Rd 3: Ch 1, turn; (sc in next 5 sc, 2 sc in next sc) around. (56)
Finish off. Weave in ends.
Rd 4: Skip next 14 sc, attach green in next sc, ch 2, dc in same sc as attachment, dc in next 27 sc. (28)
Rd 5: Ch 2, turn; dc in each dc around. (28)
Rd 6: Ch 2, turn; dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 22 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc. (30)
Rd 7: Ch 2, turn; dc in each dc around. (30)
Rd 8: Ch 2, turn; dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 24 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc. (32)
Rd 9: Ch 4, sc in second ch from hook, hdc in next ch, dc in next ch, skip next 3 dc, (slip st, ch 1, sc) in next dc, dc in next 25 dc, slip st in next 3 dc.
Rd 10: Ch 4, sc in second ch from hook, hdc in next ch, dc in next ch, skip next 3 sts, (slip st, ch 2, dc) in next sc, dc in next sc, 2 dc in next sc, dc in next 20 sc, 2 dc in next sc, dc in next 2 sc. (28)
Rd 11: Ch 2, turn; dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 22 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc. (30)
Rd 12: Ch 2, turn; dc in each dc around. (30)
Rd 13: Ch 2, turn; dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 24 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc. (32)
Rd 14: Ch 2, turn; dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 26 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc. (34)
Rd 15: Ch 4, sc in second ch from hook, hdc in next ch, dc in next ch, skip next 3 dc, (slip st, ch 1, sc) in next dc, sc in next 27 dc, slip st in next 3 dc.
Rd 16: Ch 4, sc in second ch from hook, hdc in next ch, dc in next ch, skip next 3 sts, (slip st, ch 2, dc) in next sc, dc in next sc, 2 dc in next sc, dc in next 22 sc, 2 dc in next sc, dc in next 2 sc. (30)
Rd 17: Ch 2, turn; dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 24 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc. (32)
Rd 18: Ch 2, turn; dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 26 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc. (34)
Rd 19: Ch 2, turn; dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 28 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc. (36)
Rd 20: Ch 2, turn; dc in each dc around. (36)
Rd 21: Ch 2, turn; dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 30 dc, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc. (38)
Rd 22: Ch 1, sc in next 8 sc. (8)
Rd 23: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 6 sc. (7)
Rd 24: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 5 sc. (6)
Rd 25: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 4 sc. (5)
Rd 26: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 3 sc. (4)
Rd 27: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 2 sc. (3)
Rd 28: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next sc. (2)
Rd 29: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog. (1)
Finish off. Weave in ends.
Rd 22: Attach green in first unworked sc of Rd 21, ch 1, sc in same sc as attachment, sc in next 4 sc. (5)
Rd 23: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 3 sc. (4)
Rd 24: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 2 sc. (3)
Rd 25: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next sc. (2)
Rd 26: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog. (1)
Finish off. Weave in ends.
Rd 22: Attach green in first unworked sc of Rd 21, ch 1, sc in same sc as attachment, sc in next 11 sc. (12)
Rd 23: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 10 sc. (11)
Rd 24: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 9 sc. (10)
Rd 25: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 8 sc. (9)
Rd 26: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 7 sc. (8)
Rd 27: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 6 sc. (7)
Rd 28: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 5 sc. (6)
Rd 29: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 4 sc. (5)
Rd 30: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 3 sc. (4)
Rd 31: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 2 sc. (3)
Rd 32: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next sc. (2)
Rd 33: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog. (1)
Finish off. Weave in ends.
Rd 22: Attach green in first unworked sc of Rd 21, ch 1, sc in same sc as attachment, sc in next 4 sc. (5)
Rd 23: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 3 sc. (4)
Rd 24: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 2 sc. (3)
Rd 25: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next sc. (2)
Rd 26: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog. (1)
Finish off. Weave in ends.
Rd 22: Attach green in first unworked sc of Rd 21, ch 1, sc in same sc as attachment, sc in next 4 sc. (5)
Rd 23: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 6 sc. (7)
Rd 24: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 5 sc. (6)
Rd 25: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 4 sc. (5)
Rd 26: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 3 sc. (4)
Rd 27: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 2 sc. (3)
Rd 28: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next sc. (2)
Rd 29: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog. (1)
Finish off. Weave in ends.
Rd 4: With right side facing, attach green in first sc of Rw 3, ch 1, sc in same sc as attachment, sc in next 11 sc. (12)
Rd 5: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 10 sc. (11)
Rd 6: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 9 sc. (10)
Rd 7: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 8 sc. (9)
Rd 8: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 7 sc. (8)
Rd 9: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 6 sc. (7)
Rd 10: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 5 sc. (6)
Rd 11: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 4 sc. (5)
Rd 12: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 3 sc. (4)
Rd 13: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 2 sc. (3)
Rd 14: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next sc. (2)
Rd 15: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog. (1)
Rd 16: Ch 4, sc in second ch from hook, hdc in next ch, dc in next ch, skip next sc of Rd 15, working in the side of Rds, skip next 2 Rds, slip st in next Rd, (ch 4, sc in second ch from hook, hdc in next ch, dc in next ch, skip next 2 Rds, slip st in next Rd) 3 times, ch 4, sc in second ch from hook, hdc in next ch, dc in next ch, skip next 2 unworked sc on Rd 3, slip st in same sc as first dc of Rd 4 of BACK OF CAPE.
Finish off. Weave in ends.
Rd 4: With wrong side facing, attach green in first sc of Rw 3, ch 1, sc in same sc as attachment, sc in next 11 sc. (12)
Rd 5: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 10 sc. (11)
Rd 6: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 9 sc. (10)
Rd 7: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 8 sc. (9)
Rd 8: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 7 sc. (8)
Rd 9: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 6 sc. (7)
Rd 10: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 5 sc. (6)
Rd 11: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 4 sc. (5)
Rd 12: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 3 sc. (4)
Rd 13: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next 2 sc. (3)
Rd 14: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog, sc in next sc. (2)
Rd 15: Ch 1, turn; sc2tog. (1)
Rd 16: Ch 4, sc in second ch from hook, hdc in next ch, dc in next ch, skip next sc of Rd 15, working in the side of Rds, skip next 2 Rds, slip st in next Rd, (ch 4, sc in second ch from hook, hdc in next ch, dc in next ch, skip next 2 Rds, slip st in next Rd) 3 times, ch 4, sc in second ch from hook, hdc in next ch, dc in next ch, skip next 2 unworked sc on Rd 3, slip st in same sc as first dc of Rd 4 of BACK OF CAPE.
Finish off. Weave in ends. Sew hook and eye set to CAPE.

Rw 1: With café latte, ch 14, sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across. (13)
Rw 2: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 2 sc, change to buff, sc in next 3 sc, change to frosty green, sc in next sc, change to café latte, sc in next sc, change to frosty green, sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next 3 sc, change to café latte, sc in next 2 sc. (13)
Rw 3: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next 4 sc, change to frosty green, sc in next 3 sc, change to buff, sc in next 4 sc, change to café latte, sc in next sc. (13)
Rw 4: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next sc, change to green, sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next 2 sc, change to frosty green, sc in next 3 sc, change to buff, sc in next 2 sc, change to green, sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next sc, change to café latte, sc in next sc. (13)
Rw 5: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next 2 sc, change to green, sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next sc, change to frosty green, sc in next 3 sc, change to buff, sc in next sc, change to green, sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next 2 sc, change to café latte, sc in next sc. (13)
Rw 6: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next 4 sc, change to frosty green, sc in next 3 sc, change to buff, sc in next 4 sc, change to café latte, sc in next sc. (13)
Rw 7: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next 3 sc, change to gold, sc in next 5 sc, change to buff, sc in next 3 sc, change to café latte, sc in next sc. (13)
Rw 8: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next 2 sc, change to gold, sc in next 7 sc, change to buff, sc in next 2 sc, change to café latte, sc in next sc. (13)
Rw 9: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next sc, change to gold, sc in next sc, change to silver, sc in next 3 sc, change to gold, sc in next 5 sc, change to buff, sc in next sc, change to café latte, sc in next sc. (13)
Rw 10: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next sc, change to gold, sc in next 4 sc, change to silver, sc in next 5 sc, change to buff, sc in next sc, change to café latte, sc in next sc. (13)
Rw 11: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next sc, change to silver, sc in next 5 sc, change to gold, sc in next 4 sc, change to buff, sc in next sc, change to café latte, sc in next sc. (13)
Rw 12: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next sc, change to gold, sc in next 4 sc, change to silver, sc in next 5 sc, change to buff, sc in next sc, change to café latte, sc in next sc. (13)
Rw 13: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next sc, change to gold, sc in next sc, change to silver, sc in next 3 sc, change to gold, sc in next 5 sc, change to buff, sc in next sc, change to café latte, sc in next sc. (13)
Rw 14: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next 2 sc, change to gold, sc in next 7 sc, change to buff, sc in next 2 sc, change to café latte, sc in next sc. (13)
Rw 15: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next 3 sc, change to gold, sc in next 5 sc, change to buff, sc in next 3 sc, change to café latte, sc in next sc. (13)
Rw 16: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next 4 sc, change to frosty green, sc in next 3 sc, change to buff, sc in next 4 sc, change to café latte, sc in next sc. (13)
Rw 17: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next 2 sc, change to green, sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next sc, change to frosty green, sc in next 3 sc, change to buff, sc in next sc, change to green, sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next 2 sc, change to café latte, sc in next sc. (13)
Rw 18: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next sc, change to green, sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next 2 sc, change to frosty green, sc in next 3 sc, change to buff, sc in next 2 sc, change to green, sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next sc, change to café latte, sc in next sc. (13)
Rw 19: Ch 1, turn; sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next 4 sc, change to frosty green, sc in next 3 sc, change to buff, sc in next 4 sc, change to café latte, sc in next sc. (13)
Rw 20: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 2 sc, change to buff, sc in next 3 sc, change to frosty green, sc in next sc, change to café latte, sc in next 2 sc, change to frosty green, sc in next sc, change to buff, sc in next 3 sc, change to café latte, sc in next 2 sc. (13)
Rw 21: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (13)
Finish off. Weave in ends.

Rw 1: Working in the side Rw s of either COVER FRONT or COVER BACK, attach gold, ch 1, sc in same Rw as attachment, sc in each Rw across. (21)
Rw 2: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (21)
Finish off leaving a long tail. Sew SPINE to other COVER. Weave in ends.

Rd 1: With café latte, ch 7, sc in second ch from hook, sc in next 4 ch, 3 sc in next ch working around ch, working in free loops of foundation ch, sc in next 5 ch. (13)
Finish off leaving a long tail. Sew snap to CLASP and FRONT COVER. Sew CLASP to BACK COVER. Weave in ends.

Cut paper into several pieces that are 1 5/6 inches x 1 1/12 inches. Holding the pages together and glue them together. Place a piece of tape over the glue taping first and last pages together. Once the glue dries, glue PAGES to COVERS.

Weave together a long piece of leaf green, green, and frosty green. Weave through spine of BOOK. Attach necklace clasp to each end of STRAP.

This pattern is an original pattern and is © by Christjan Bee (May 2024). Please do not claim this pattern as your own. If you wish to share this pattern, you may link to this pattern but please do not reprint it on your site. You may keep a copy for your own personal use, but you may not sell or distribute it, or sell items made from this pattern.

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