Monday, August 15, 2022


This is a pattern for a diaper cover, hat and scarf set inspired by the Harry Potter movie. This set was made in the Ravenclaw's colors. It can be made in any one of the four houses of Hogwarts.

Worsted weight yarn: Blue and gray
I crochet hook
Tapestry needle
¾ inch gray button

Rw 1: With blue, ch 53, sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across. (52)
Rw 2: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (52)
Rw 3: Ch 2, turn; dc in next 3 sc, ch 1, skip next sc, dc in next 44 sc, ch 1, skip next sc, dc in next 3 sc. (50 dc, 2 ch-1 spaces)
Rw 4: Ch 1, turn; sc in next 3 dc, sc in next ch, sc in next 44 dc, sc in next ch, sc in next 3 dc. (52)
Rw 5: Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across. (52)
Rw 6: Turn, slip st in next 12 sc, (slip st, ch 2, dc) in next sc, dc in next 27 sc leaving remaining sc unworked. (28)
Rw 7: Ch 2, turn; dc in each dc across. (28)
Rw 8: Ch 2, turn; dc2tog, dc in next 24 dc, dc2tog. (26)
Rw 9: Ch 2, turn; dc2tog, dc in next 22 dc, dc2tog. (24)
Rw 10: Ch 2, turn; dc2tog, dc in next 20 dc, dc2tog. (22)
Rw 11: Ch 2, turn; dc2tog, dc in next 18 dc, dc2tog. (20)
Rw 12: Ch 2, turn; dc2tog, dc in next 16 dc, dc2tog. (18)
Rw 13: Ch 2, turn; dc2tog, dc in next 14 dc, dc2tog. (16)
Rw 14: Ch 2, turn; dc2tog, dc in next 12 dc, dc2tog. (14)
Rws 15-23: Ch 2, turn; dc in each dc across. (14)
Finish off. Weave in ends.

Rd 1: Attach gray at any point along size between Rw 10 and Rw 14, ch 1, sc evenly along edge of DIAPER COVER with 3 sc in each corner of DIAPER COVER.
Finish off. Weave in ends.

Fold DIAPER COVER into desired position. Working through Rw 21 of the front and skipped st of Rw 3 of both side straps, sew button to DIAPER COVER.

Rw 1: With blue, ch 13, dc in third ch from hook and in each ch across. (11)
Rws 2-5: Ch 2, turn; dc in each dc across. (11) Change to gray.
Rws 6-10: Ch 2, turn; dc in each dc across. (11) Change to blue.
Rws 11-15: Ch 2, turn; dc in each dc across. (11) Change to gray.
Rws 16-20: Ch 2, turn; dc in each dc across. (11) Change to blue.
Rws 21-25: Ch 2, turn; dc in each dc across. (11) Change to gray.
Rws 26-30: Ch 2, turn; dc in each dc across. (11) Change to blue.
Rws 31-35: Ch 2, turn; dc in each dc across. (11) Change to gray.
Rws 36-40: Ch 2, turn; dc in each dc across. (11) Change to blue.
Rws 41-45: Ch 2, turn; dc in each dc across. (11) Change to gray.
Rws 46-50: Ch 2, turn; dc in each dc across. (11) Change to blue.
Rws 51-55: Ch 2, turn; dc in each dc across. (11) Change to gray.
Rws 56-60: Ch 2, turn; dc in each dc across. (11) Change to blue.
Rws 61-65: Ch 2, turn; dc in each dc across. (11)
Finish off. Weave in ends.

Cut 48 4-inch pieces of gray yarn. Fringe 4 pieces of gray yarn in six places on each end of scarf.

Rd 1: With blue, 12 dc in magic ring, slip st in first dc. (12)
Rd 2: Ch 2, 2 dc in each dc around, slip st in first dc. (24)
Rd 3: Ch 2, (dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc) around, slip st in first dc changing to gray. (36)
Rd 4: Ch 2, (dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc) around, slip st in first dc. (48)
Rd 5: Ch 2, dc in each dc around, slip st in first dc. (48)
Rd 6: Ch 2, dc in each dc around, slip st in first dc changing to blue. (48)
Rd 7: Ch 2, dc in each dc around, slip st in first dc. (48)
Rd 8: Ch 2, dc in each dc around, slip st in first dc. (48)
Rd 9: Ch 2, dc in each dc around, slip st in first dc changing to gray. (48)
Rd 10: Ch 2, dc in each dc around, slip st in first dc. (48)
Rd 11: Ch 2, dc in each dc around, slip st in first dc. (48)
Rd 12: Ch 2, dc in each dc around, slip st in first dc changing to blue. (48)
Rds 13-15: Ch 2, dc in each dc around, slip st in first dc. (48)
Finish off. Weave in ends.

Using blue and gray yarn, create a pom-pom for the top of the hat.

Harry Potter, Ravenclaw, and Hogwarts is copyright J.K. Rowlings and their respective creators.

This crochet pattern is an original pattern and is © by Christjan Bee (August 2022). Please do not claim this pattern as your own. If you wish to share this pattern, you may link to this pattern but please do not reprint/repost it on your site. You may print and keep a copy for your own personal use, but you may not sell or distribute it, or sell items made from this pattern.

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